Terms of use WiFi and internet Dental practice Roetink
- Tandartspraktijk Roetink is not responsible for any damage to hardware or software of the user through the use of WiFi. The user is responsible for the security of his or her equipment.
- Dental practice Roetink does not offer support when setting up a connection on third-party devices.
- The user may not use WiFi or internet in Tandartspraktijk Roetink to distribute and / or use spam, viruses and illegal software for items and / or activities that are not permitted by Dutch law.
- The user is obliged to adhere to the letter of the copyright law.
- Dental practice Roetink takes no responsibility for the information posted by the user on a server or internet. A user is entirely responsible for the information that is placed on the server and / or the internet. The content and purport of the text and images may under no circumstances be pornographic, discriminatory or otherwise offensive.
- Dental practice Roetink is not responsible for any claims arising from the user’s activities.
- The use of WiFi and internet is based on a fair use policy. This means that no limit has been set on the amount of data that can be sent and received. In the interest of all users, it is not allowed to download or upload large files such as films and CD image files.
- Dental practice Roetink can intervene if significantly more data traffic is used than the average. Dental practice Roetink reserves the right to block the connection to WiFi / internet and the user, or for any other reason.
- Dental practice Roetink reserves the right to limit the bandwidth, apply filters and block so-called peer-to-peer connections. Even when specific websites are a heavy burden on the network, they can be blocked. These measures serve the interests of all users.
By logging in to Tandartspraktijk Roetink’s WiFi you agree to these terms of use and you confirm that you respect them. Click on “Verbinden” (Connect) to make access (4 hours per session) to the internet.